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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2003 March 12)
February 12, 2003
Present: Joel Parks, Ray Ruetenik, Bob Sawyer, Bob Evans, Charlie Schwerin, Jackie Edwards, Heather White
Minutes from November and January meetings were approved.
Jackie expressed interest in BAC/BFMB work and its interaction with other town committees. Heather is a new Bedford resident and voiced her interest in supporting biking activities in Bedford as a volunteer and was welcomed to the committee activities.
Youth biking issues -Joel has nearly finished a plan for submission to Sue Baldauf under the Youth and Family Services program for an 8-week after-school bike training course beginning in later March for middle-school students, roughly ages 11-14. The course plan is patterned after guidelines of the League of American Bicyclists. It would include instruction in simple repairs, laws of the road, etc. Plans are under consideration to aim the interest at pre-driver-age education. Specifics of the program, such as instructor enlistment, program outline, furnishing bikes, etc., remain to be worked out. Joel expects to call a meeting soon of those interested in fleshing out and participating in this program.
Bridge Street path - With the preliminary planning and meetings completed, the next step is to reach an agreement on extension of the existing easement northward. Ray will contact Rick Reed to initiate a meeting with Mr. Drucker, the property owner. The easement would have to be accepted by the Town, so the objective is to submit it at a special town meeting. Work on obtaining funding for the project would be iniated after a meeting with Drucker. To that end, Ray has received information from Joanna Nickerson on the Community Preservation Act. Other candidate sources to be explored include Board of Selectmen projects, Capital Expenditures projects and Companies who would benefit from the path.
Concord Road parking area - This project is in the hands of Roger Corbin of the Rotary and Rich Warrington of the DPW. We will keep abreast of this activity.
Minuteman Bikeway Extension -A motion was made to change the name used by the BAC for this bikeway from The West Bikeway to The Minuteman Bikeway Extension. The argument given is that the latter better describes the significance of this bikeway to the greater Boston area as well as to the town of Bedford. It passed by a vote of 4-0-0. The type of surface for the MBE was then discussed. The discussion all favored a paved surface because of maintainability characteristics of paving. It was voted to recommend a paved surface for the MBE over the whole length, by 4-0-0. Elizabeth Bagdonis has recommended a permeable surface because of some of the path being within conservation restricted zones. Ray will inform Elizabeth of the BAC action in order to initiate action on an agreeable solution.
Because of the scope of this project, obtaining funding will require a substantial effort. It was recommended that Craig Della Penna, New England representative for the Rails-to-Trails organization, be invited to the annual meeting of the BFMB, scheduled for April 9th to discuss the subject. Ray is to contact Della Penna.
Depot Park - Nothing to report. Ray plans to attend next board meeting, scheduled for Friday, Feb. 14, 3pm.
NGRT - Concern was expressed about the proposed location for a narrow-gauge railbed in proximity to the Narrow Gauge Rail Trail. Issues raised were:
Danger of ties and rails to biking.
Potential erosion effects, particularly in wetland areas.
A general concern was voiced about the presence of any track on the existing former railbed. It was agreed that Ray, as liaison to FBDP, bring this concern to the FBDP at the next board meeting (see above).
East-Bedford Industrial Area - A significant discussion ensued about the hazard to bikers crossing and turning at the intersection of Crosby Drive and Burlington Road (Rt. 62), with particular significance to workers in the East-Bedford Industrial area. Joel will daft a letter for review at the next meeting.
DPW items -No action to report (N/A).
Bike Parking - N/A
Sidewalk passability - N/A
Police accident reports - Bob S. had difficulty in contacting person at BPD; will try to contact the Chief
Bedford Bike tour ala Arlington -- Bob E. has been trying to find the location of the reported connector between Carlisle Road and Davis Road via Wintergreen. He will contact Elizabeth Bagdonis for further info.
Bedford Comprehensive Plan- N/A
Next meeting: March 12, 2003, 7:30 Town Hall
Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Web site - Joel says we are VERY CLOSE.
April 19th Boston to Concord ride at Midnight - Idea supported and we will await further instructions.
Annual Meeting - Ray will invite Craig Della Penna to meeting to discuss interest of the BAC in extending the Minuteman Bikeway along the old Reformatory Branch roadbed from Railroad Avenue to the Concord line (see above).
Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm