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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee

(approved 2003 April?)

March 12, 2003

Present: Ray Ruetenik, Charlie Schwerin, Bob Evans, Bob Sawyer, Joel Parks

February minutes: approved with change: Bob E was present


  1. Youth and Family Services after school program - Joel distributed CORI forms for committee members to fill out. Joel, Ray, Bob E. and Bob S. filled them out. Joel will return them to Sue Baldauf ASAP. Joel will be developing a syllabus / curriculum. Bike program is scheduled for six one-hour Monday mid-afternoon sessions from mid-April at the Middle School. Joel submitted a blurb for flier.
  2. Police bike safety clinic - Ray distributed minutes of sub-comm. mtg on 3/9, plus a copy of the checklist given to participants. Current components of the program that we like are: helmet check; bike check; "sharing the Path"; "slow speed control", and "over the shoulder check". Ray spoke with Paul Saunders about how to improve the program. Big issue is number of participants. Could be improved with fliers sent home with students, "sandwich board" signs for display on the Great Rd. We support the BPD continuing to focus on: helmets, signals, crossing driveways and streets, what to do after an accident, talk about police on bikes. Bob E will try to find riders to demonstrate MTB trials. (Bob Croston may be another contact?)
  3. NGRT - 2 ft track. Meeting in Feb with Ray, Joel, Joe Piantedosi and Jim Shea at which we discussed the plan for a 1/4 mi of track to be installed in one of 3 spots: from Sweetwater north; from Sweetwater south; from Loomis to Great Rd. The consensus of the BAC committee was that even with the proposed layout (leave minimum of 10' of paved path, then have 2' pea stone buffer, then ties 4.5' to 5' wide) the potential safety problems are still present. We don't think there is much chance of resolving these problems when the track is forced to be so close to the trail. AASHTO(?) trail design standard should be researched and quoted. Only if there were a way to get the track separated from the trail to meet the applicable design standard, could the committee support it. Committee voted 4-0-0 to approve that statement.
  4. MMBikeway Extension - no progress. Will be the subject of BFoMB annual meeting, April 9th. Potential issue of interest concerning transfer of Nat Brown's land south of the railbed near John Glenn Middle School
  5. Reported Bedford Comprehensive plan was received from Planning Dept. Bob S. took it for study.
  6. Bedford Police have a 5-year plan. BBAC should try to work with BPD to provide resources for bike safety. Joel will pursue the schoolbus issue stemming from a cutoff of biker.

Next meeting: Annual Meeting, 9th April at 7:30 in Town Center building. Committee should assemble earlier

Meeting adjourned 9:15pm.

Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway


  1. Need help promoting the annual meeting. Craig Della Penna will speak. Bob E and Ray will prepare an announcement and mail list for emails to other towns etc. Joel will rent or otherwise procure an LCD projector. Ray will coordinate or delegate any other annual meeting issues.
  2. Web site is still up -

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm