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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee

(approved 2004 June 09)

May 12, 2004

Present: Bob Sawyer, Charlie Webster, Bob Evans, Joel Parks, Holly Webster, Ray Reutenik, Mark Siegenthaler, and Ralph Hammond

7:30 pm. Approval of the April minutes after Joel makes several corrections.


  1. Bridge Street Path - Ray will bring his proposed letter to our next meeting. Mark asked some questions. He doesn’t understand the need for always having this on our agenda. Our problem has less to do with the bridge than the connection. Mark suggests that we look for another route that can be built from scratch. The new Transportation committee will meet in June.
  2. DPW items - signage - Joel said that no progress has been made. He will talk to Rich Warrington and ask what plans have been made for this spring. We need a subcommittee to resolve this problem. The committee includes: Joel, Bob S., Ray, and Charlie S. and will meet at 7pm on Sunday May 23 at Ray’s home. Bob seems to think we need state approval for any signs as well as selectmen approval.
  3. NGRT - status - The grades will all be level. Track is being put down. Mark will try to ensure that a yellow stripe will delineate the bike trail from the stone dust of the NGRT.
  4. Sidewalk passability - Ray, as a Friend, will write a letter to the Bedford Minuteman and bring it for our approval to the next meeting.
  5. East-Bedford Industrial area - Joel has planned to start something here. Mark suggested we invite a Mitre employee to our meeting, perhaps a community affairs person as Maureen Sullivan. Ray will contact her.
  6. Police Accident Report - No accidents involving bicycles were reported in Bedford last month.
  7. Biking at Burlington Mall - status - We have not yet heard from the Burlington Bicycle Committee.
  8. Comprehensive plan - Tabled.
  9. Liasons and Committees - review - Mark reminded us that the Transportation Committee will spend most of its energies on actual traffic. He suggested we have Bob Saywer bring to their meeting one issue that is doable to keep bicycles in the forefront.


  1. Bob Evans asked about insurance for the leaders of the Bike tours. We need some umbrella protection. Mark will ask Rich and will let Bob Evans know the answer.
  2. Mark will get us copies of the sidewalk committee’s map with suggestions from Joel from Adrianne St. John.

Next meeting - June 9, 7:30pm, Town Hall

Meeting adjourned 8:55pm.

Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway


  1. MM bikeway extension - Mark will also ask Rick about Bob Sawyer going to “Bikes Belong” for the $5000 feasibility study. Do we need town approval for this? Bob brought the grant and will set up another subcommittee meeting for the purpose of completing it: Joel, Ray and Bob, 9am Mon. 17. Ray will get the history, and charter and all material needed before the meeting.
  2. Bike Parking - CRW gift rack plan - Joel will speak to Rich Warrington to make sure that the DPW can install them and bill us.
  3. Annual Meeting - Ray suggests moving the annual meeting to March. He felt that it was a very good meeting especially meeting with people from other towns. Could another town host this type of meeting another year?
  4. Membership - Ray wants to offer something to members. Tabled due to lack of Treasurer and Membership chairman.
  5. State Charter - We are 5 years behind, and owe $60. Ray will ask Don for an update on this.
  6. Web site - Tabled. Joel cannot tabulate the number of hits. is where the site is found.
  7. Bedford Bike tour - Bob Evans wants to have three, one each June, July, and August on a Saturday in the middle of the month. He needs to consult his own calendar.
  8. Police Bike Safety Clinic - Paul Saunders has been promoted. He will meet with us Saturday at 6:30 am at the Police station. He would like this year’s theme to be a “Bike Inspection”. It will be June 5, perhaps at Depot Park and will still have a certificate for a free cone at Bedford Farms. Ray will contact Eric of the Bikeway Source, and will ask Paul if it matters if we get non-Bedford participants at this inspection. Joel will try to attend this meeting with Ray.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.