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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2004 July 14)
June 9, 2004
Present: Don Blake, Bob Evans, Ralph Hammond, Joel Parks, Ray Ruetenik,
Bob Sawyer and Mark Siegenthaler
7:30 pm. Approval of the May minutes.
- Meeting regulations -- Joel opened a discussion of the open-meeting law
which has been of recent concern and discussion for town committees. Mark
said that a copy of meeting minutes should go to Town Administrator's
office for record. Perhaps a copy should also go to Town Clerk. There
then was an extensive discussion of meetings and how the public law
requirement affects public meeting discussions of town business by
committee members. Regarding subcommittees for BAC subjects, it was
decided, at least for the time being, to refer subcommittees activities
to Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway. Another option might be to
regularly schedule (and post) two meetings a month, with the second
meeting being dedicated to sub-committee meetings, and cancelled if
sub-committee meetings are not required at that time.
- New member -- Ralph Hammond was welcomed to the Bicycle Advisory
Committee. Mark said that for Jean Hammond the Selectmen have sent a note
to her thanking her for the service she has performed for the
- DPW signage -- referred to the Friends for more ideas.
- NGRT -- Bob S. brought up concern about the 2-ft. track ballast surface
being level with the asphalt surface and that he had brought it up to the
FBDP board meeting this date. Mark said he will check with Rick Reed
regarding the painting of a white line at the edge of the pavement
closest the ties. Otherwise it was the opinion of all who had seen the
work in progress that the 2-ft track appears to present no hazard to
bikers and skaters on the NGRT.
- Sidewalks -- no action on passability. (see minutes of May meeting.)
Mark said the Community Preservation Committee might seek funds for
sidewalks and trails, and that there is interest in trails that are used
in town. Information on such trails is of interest and plans to seek it
from the public are under consideration. The Sidewalk Committee plans to
participate on this. As an aside, anyone interested should check out the
Bedford GIS Mapping System at
- East-Bedford Industrial Area -- no action. {See minutes of May
- Transportation Committee -- An initial meeting yesterday was reported
where a presentation was given by a consultant. It included some
discussion of biking. The committee will now commence with its working
- Police accident reports -- Bob S. report no accidents involving bikers
or skaters in May.
- Biking at Burllington Mall -- Millie Nash of the Burlington Bike Comm.
reported to Bob S. that the owners of the Burlington Mall are completely
welcoming bikers to the Mall. Joel will write a thank-you letter to the
Burlington bike comm.
- MM Bikeway extension -- Mark reported that the Board of Selectmen are
interested in what the design study being proposed from the $5k grant
would encompass. Bob S. will provide a copy of the filled out application
for the funding of the study to Rick Reed for the Board.
- Tour of Bedford. -- Mark said the Board Of Selectmen suggest that a
tour of Bedford as described earlier by Bob E. would be covered by the
Town's liability insurance if conducted by the Bicycle Advisory
Committee, and that a liability waiver of the type regularly used by the
Recreation Committee should be required from all participants, with which
Bob E. concurred. Bob E. agreed to develop a description of the proposed
Tour for review by the Selectmen.
- October meeting date -- Joel said that our regular date for the October
meeting has been preempted. The committee voted to meet on October 6th
(first Wednesday, October only) Ray will arrange the posting.
- Depot area zoning -- Mark reported that the Planning Board is looking
at modifying the zoning in the Depot Park area to promote the kind of
development they would like to see there.
Next meeting -- July 14, 7:30pm, Town Hall
Meeting adjourned 8:50pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Present: Don Blake, Bob Evans, Joel Parks, Ray Ruetenik, Bob Sawyer
- MM bikeway extension -- as reported above, Bob S. will prepare, prior
to their July 12 meeting, a packet for review by the Selectmen,
containing the grant application materials we expect to submit to Bikes
Belong Coalition. Note that the application can be viewed at
- Police Bike Safety Clinic -- organized by Sgt. Paul Saunders and Sgt.
Jim Graham of BPD. There were over 60 children attending (a new record
for us). Bob S., Joel & Ralph adjusted helmets while Alex from the
Bikeway Source made many adjustments to bicycles, gratis. Approximately
20 helmets granted to the Bedford Police Dept. by the Governor's Highway
Safety Bureau were fitted to children and adults who accepted them with
thanks. Of these helmets, the (few) Bell brand helmets were of good
quality and appeared that they would hold their adjustment; in contrast,
the no-name helmets (majority) appeared to not be likely to hold their
adjustment. In addition, the supply of the smaller sizes was exhausted
before the clinic was over. Ray will contact Jim Graham to discuss our
concerns about the helmets. Next year we should "train" our helmet
fitters. A better handout for takeaway would be nice. Perhaps a more
organized flow or progression would help aleviate the perceived back-up
at the bike tuning. Next year (2005) the Police seem to be intent on
planning a big "event", with a simulated rescue including a MedEvac
Helicopter and "vendors" e.g. food. If this materializes, our portion of
the activities should be carefully defined and planned.
The topic of getting bicycling safety and operation education moved
into School Phys. Ed. curriculum is referred to BBAC to see what input
Ralph has.
- Bike Parking -- CRW gift rack plan - no action, Joel to get info from
Rich W. The topic of the placement of the existing bike racks at Depot
Park is referred back to BBAC for discussion with Rich Warrington.
- Bedford bike tour -- is referred to BBAC, see comments from Mark S.
minuted above.
- Bridge Street path -- letter to Drucker. Ray has written the letter and
intends to send it shortly.
- Membership -- it was suggested that Don provide membership information
(number of "members", e.g. last renewal date of all people on our mailing
list) to next meeting.
- State charter -- Don agreed that he would take care of updating our
situation with the MA Dept of State, including sending any documentation
necessary and payment if we are in arrears.
- Web site -- Joel described recent upgrades to and
presented his ideas for linking to a turnkey t-shirt fabrication
service that could function as a fund-raising vehicle for the
Friends. In addition to Joel's suggestions for using some of the elements
from the website, the Cycling Minuteman is a favorite graphic, and "500th
American Rail-Trail", "I biked the Minuteman Trail", and "Bike to Work /
Work to Bike" were suggested as possibilities for text. Joel will develop
this further and procure some samples of the product for further review.
Don also suggested the use of the screen printing company Kiwi Press used by CRW
located in N. Billerica, and Joel will look into that possibility as well.
- Joel will submit to Don for reimbursement an expense report for the
10x10 free-standing canopy he purchased.
- Bedford Day is Sept. 18 2004. Joel passed to Ray the application for
booth space and the form to request a parade position. Don and Joel are
interested in riding in the parade and hope others will join them. Don
will write a check for $15 to Town of Bedford and Ray will hand deliver
the check and the application to the Rec. Dept. in hopes of getting
information on how to influence the Public Ceremonies committee regarding
the assignment of a booth position.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm