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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2004 Dec 08)
Oct. 6, 2004
Present: Joel, Ray, Bob S., Don B. Ralph H
September minutes approved with corrections.
Bike Tour #2: Bob's knee is recovering; ride was quite successful. Perhaps a third route should be developed that combines easier aspects of the two routes, and has some emphasis on the difficult sections for cyclists. Do we need a policy statement or recommendation to Selectmen on our positions regarding lane width, striping, sidewalks, etc?
MM Bikeway Extension: Joel will mail grant appl. to Bikes Belong
NGRT: progress looks good. Lack of seating and tables.
East Bedford: still waiting for Joel to arrange joint BAC/Planning Bd. meeting
Transportation Committee: will meet next on Oct 18th, and Bob S will be unable to go. Joel unavailable, others are invited to attend instead.
No accidents to report.
Minutes to Town Clerk: received by mail a copy of the town's records retention bylaw which requires that the town clerk be given copies of the approved minutes.
Bikeway extension is impacted by Princeton Properties - contact Rick Reed and make sure he's aware of our plans
Next meeting -- Nov. 10, 2004 , 7:30pm, Town Hall
Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Newsletter: positive feedback, no renewals by mail yet.
Bedford Day: fencing and slide hammer supplied by DPW; 26 bikes parked; we should impress on the Public Ceremonies Comm. the service to the Town we are providing and try to get the space we want in the middle of things. Also we should publicize "not responsible for bikes etc. left after closing time"
Membership: Bob S will bring examples of Danvers Bipeds membership activities. Don has organized the membership information into an Excel spreadsheet. Don will email the spreadsheet to committee.
Bob Sawyer has volunteered to be the membership coordinator, Don will still be the mailing address for joins and renewals, and when checks come in he will send the new member / renewal information to Bob. Perhaps we should monthly review status of list.
State Charter: bill to State due in November, ~$15 according to Don. Bob needs to see BFoMB Charter, Ray says he distributed hard copy, Joel thinks the softcopy is posted on the website. Confirm.
Bridge St. Path: no response to Drucker letter in July. Ray to ask Elizabeth and Rick Reed how to go about removing invasive weeds without explicit OK from Drucker. Can we assume that the access means we can put in a path?
CRW Gift Rack: may best be located in main Depot Park area.
Library needs a proposal for bike racks improvement - move the serpentine rack to other entrance, and add inverted U racks to original location to replace the old
We need a new rack push.
Don has joined the Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail
How to find out the cost of the tunnel added to the MM NHP at Hanscom access rd.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm