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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee

(approved 2005 March 09)

Feb. 9, 2005

Present: Ray Ruetenik, Bob Sawyer, Rich Warrington, Bob Evans, Charlie Webster, and Holly Webster

7:30pm. We began the meeting with the Friends, as the items we most wanted to discuss were with Rich Warrrington, who was good enough to join us.

Friends, Continuing:

  1. MM Bikeway extension - Rich assured us we will get some study regardless of the dollar amount. He would prefer the larger amount. Bob Sawyer seemed to think we would know before the end of this month and he will contact Bikes Belong to ensure this. Rich suggests that we send our request to only three already qualified consultants rather than starting a large competition. He had prepared and copied for each of us a suggestion, four pages, of a proposal to send to the three consultants. Rich also says that he can get this project on the MPO, Metropolitan Planning Organization. We were happy with his suggested proposal. He will check on the linear footage and send them out next week.
  2. Bike racks - Rich can order two but wants to place them until the positioning of the new sidewalk near Depot Park has been finalized. He will also look at the bike rack that was positioned incorrectly at the library to see if it can be moved to another local.
  3. MM Bikeway maintenance - Bob Evans reported a root problem. Rich says that he believes they are all caused by maple trees. Although a complete repaving is not possible at this time he feels that some localized repair work can be done. The eventual solution would be the removal of the offending trees.

We thanked Rich for coming and recommenced with the approval of the January minutes.

BBAC Continuing:

  1. Sidewalk passability - tabled until March.
  2. East Bedford Industrial Area - Joel has contacted 3 MITRE employees, all of whom cycle and two of whom live in Bedford. Unfortunately the snow got deep just before a meeting was planned to review the site and discuss the issue. When the ground has dried up somewhat this meeting will be scheduled.
  3. Transportation Committee -Bob reported that this committee is considering three main projects:
    1. They want to connect DeAngelo and Wiggins Ave to reduce traffic in the center of town,
    2. They want to install some sort of traffic calming on Pine Hill Road, and
    3. They want to bump out some of the sidewalks on the Great Road. Also, they are in favor of the West Bikeway Extension
  4. Police Accident report -Bob reported that there have been no accidents involving cyclists in either December or January.

No new business

Next meeting - March 9., 2005 , 7:30pm, Town Hall

Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway


  1. Bridge Street Path -Ray did contact Elizabeth Bagdonis and he e-mailed us all copies of his letter to her, her letter to Mr. Drucker, and Mr. Drucker’s response. Apparently he has agreed to meet with us in the spring. The path must be considered a pedestrian path. The Trails Committee also wants to see this path cleared.
  2. Annual Meeting - Ray will come up with a proposed slate for Board of Directors and for the officers for next year for us to approve before coming up at the annual meeting. We hope that Joel will again be the MC for the meeting. Ray and Bob Evans convinced the remaining present that we again want a panel with representative from neighboring towns. Ray will contact Peggy Hannon-Rizza from Billerica, Bruce Silberman from Burlington, and someone to represent Arlington. Bob Evans will contact Barbara Pike from Concord and also try to get a representative from Carlisle. Charlie Webster will contact Jerry Van Hook from Lexington. We stressed that if those contacted cannot attend the meeting at 7:30pm April 13, we hope that that person can find another person to speak.


  1. Bob Evans will write up a proposal for a bike ride starting at the Bedford Boat Landing for ”Riverfest” and Susan Grieb will get it on the agenda for the day.
  2. Bob Evans also proposed telling Lee Evans of three tours of Bedford as we did last year, three Saturdays in June, July and August. The Recreation Department puts out a brochure with a calendar of events.
  3. “Bikeway” - Ray will be away until March 8 but requested suggestions for articles. He wrote down all those we mentioned. He will bring it up again at our next meeting March 9 to make specific assignments. That should be enough time to get it in the mail by March 30 to be two weeks before our annual meeting. Holly offered to help in any way possible in putting out “Bikeway”.

Meeting adjourned at 9:37pm.