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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2005 Oct 12)
Sept. 14, 2005
Present: Ray Ruetenik, Bob Sawyer, Joel Parks, Pete Dunn, Mark Siegenthaler, Charlie Webster, Holly Webster
7:05pm. Minutes were approved.
MM Bikeway extension - Joel has not yet contacted Rich Warrington. Bob reported that Trish Donigan, Tracie Lenhardt and a wetlands specialist accompanied him on a walk of the MM extension. They found places that will need fencing, and places where invasive plants will need to be removed. VHB plan next to get to us a more comprehensive plan but they did not give us a date.
Sidewalk passability – Ray and Bob are considering going out and taking photos of particularly poor places and will spend the winter months deciding what to do next. Margo Fleichman is on the Transportation Committee to represent “sidewalk” interests. Pete Dunn, a prospective member of this committee, has noticed that there are particularly bad patches on North Road from the intersection of Route 25 to the intersection of Pine Hill. Mark said that as North Road is a state route, local funds are not likely to be used to repair the paving. Joel feels that we cannot tell Rich to do anything about road conditions but we should let him know that we care. Mark thinks we should write to the selectmen. Holly volunteered to prepare a draught to be approved by the remaining committee to be sent to Rick Reed, the Town Administrator with a copy going to Gordon Feltman, Chair of the selectmen.
East Bedford Industrial Area – Holly reported that she had contacted Kathy of the planning board and she said that we could be on the agenda for their meeting on Tuesday Oct. 18. Kathy will let Holly know exactly what time we will be assigned. Joel will speak briefly on closer contacts between our committees. Holly stressed that we should all try to attend so that the planning board will know that we are concerned about bicycle issues.
Bike racks – Holly had contacted Richard Calligan and he had spoken with Meridith. The place suggested by Meridith and Holly was too close to an emergency exit from the children’s room. Holly said that we would go along with any suggestion that Mr. Calligan had. He would like to place it farther away from the building but would like to wait until he has seen the plans for the new high school renovation. As all the work, moving of the current rack and replacing it with new u-shaped racks should be done at the same time, everything is on hold.Bike racks – Holly reported that she had contacted Richard Calligan. He had spoken with Meridith and the place that she and Holly had recommended is too close to an emergency exit from the children’s room. Holly told Mr. Calligan that we would go along with any of his recommendations for placement of the current bike rack. He would like to place it farther away from the building on the same side but wants to wait until he has seen the plans the high school has for the parking lot with their new renovations. As the work of moving the current rack and also replacing where it is now with new u_shaped racks should be done at the same time, everything is on hold for the time being.l
Transportation Committee – Bob reported that there was much discussion of bike issues: share the road signs, safe routes to schools, Bedford being a bikable and walkable community. Bob has materials that he will bring to their next meeting that will be on Oct. 4th. Their meeting after that will be Nov. 9th which will be a conflict for Bob. We suggested that he definitely attend the Transportation Committee meeting.
Police Accident Report – Bob reported that there have been two accidents involving cyclists in August: on the 28th, a motor vehicle and a cyclist on North Road and on the 31st, a motor vehicle and a scooter. Bob inquired about accidents where no motor vehicle is involved and was told that for those he would have to contact a different log.
Joel mentioned officer rotation for our committee. Ray said that he was happy with the current arrangement. No one else volunteered to chair. Joel informed Pete of the next steps toward becoming a new member of our committee.
Next meeting Oct, 12, Town Hall, 7:30pm. Multipurpose room.
Meeting adjourned 8:45pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Bedford Day staffing – This year none of us will be riding in the parade. Nor will we have a separate booth at some distance from the Bicycle Corral. Joel will come early, from 8:00 to 9:00 to help set up. Ray will also have help from Bob and Don. Ray had checked on a place to make a banner for the Friends but the price was too expensive for us this year.
Membership – Bob wants to get another set of labels from Don. He will work up a calling list after we see if there was any response to our Newsletter mailing.
Bridge Street path – Elizabeth Bagdonis, Director of the Bedford Conservation Commission, has informed us that the Town and Mr. Drucker have worked out an agreement for clearing of the heavily vegetated area abutting the west side of the Shawsheen River near the Stop and Shop building, to improve pedestrian access to the river bank and the shopping areas along The Great Road.
“Bikeway” – We all thanked Ray for doing a great job.
No new business
Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm