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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2006 Oct 9)
Sept. 13, 2006
Present: Ray Ruetenik, Joel Parks, Ralph Hammond, Don Blake, Charlie Webster and Holly Webster
7:45pm. Meeting called to order; July minutes were approved. Joel passed on to Holly a request for an annual report from our committee that was already overdue. However, Holly promised to get it done as soon as possible.
Minuteman Bikeway Extension - Joel reported that the VHB document is getting on line. The Recreation Department version of our survey went out about two weeks ago. Joel had a good article in the Bedford Minuteman urging readers to respond. Some results have come in. Bob had made multiple copies to have available at Bedford Day. The CPA met last week and they are aware of our status. We will have the tabulated results at our next meeting and will then report both to the CPA and the Board of Selectmen and ask them about our next step. Ray will set up a plan to survey current users of the present Minuteman Bikeway. Some of us may be asked to stand somewhere along the path to ask folks. He will e-mail us his plan.
Bridge Street Path -Ralph reported that much cleanup has been done on this path by both Mr. Drucker and Trail volunteers. Why the town has left the gate area uncleared is not known. Ralph will speak to Rich Warrington if he sees him on Bedford Day.
Joint BAC/PB joint meeting should be removed from the agenda. However, Holly had a new plan that Richard Joli had sent with much better bike racks for the new restaurant section on Burlington Road. So, our last suggestion has been acted upon.
East Bedford Industrial Area -Joel reported that the project seems to be on hold. There seems to be room on the east side of the road. Ralph suggested a BPF near that particular bus stop but also at all bus stops.
Bicycle racks -Ray had not yet contacted Rick Warrington about the plans for installation of the CRW racks, but will do so when he can.
Transportation committee - Bob reported that the newly reformed committee has not yet met.
Accident Report -Bob reported that the police have done nothing about our requests for this report. Bob will continue to push for it.
Summer local bike rides - None happened that we know of. We are in favor but no one has volunteered to lead one.
New Member - Joel contacted Sue Baldauf about this. Although she is unable at this time, she gave him a list of possible contacts including Frank Ricichi, Joanne Glover, Judy McCabe, Bill Knox, Ken Larsen, Sandy Currier, Ken Prescott, Sam Gravinus, and Terry and Laurie Gleason. Joel will contact all of them and invite them to our next meeting.
Boardwalk -Bob reported that Nat Brown is willing. Bob will ask Nat and Susan Grieb to walk it one more time and then see about financing and building a bridge. Ralph reported that the trails committee in Carlisle have built beautiful bridges at Foss Farm. Bob will look at them. Joel suggests we ask Rich Warrington to save the lumber from the local playground when it is dismantled and perhaps this could be used for building the bridge.
Safe Routes to School - Mass Bike is also interested in this topic. We feel that it should be handled by the schools. Bob will work through the new Transportation committee who should be involved in this. Ralph suggested additional signage but we feel that signage doesn't make the roads any safer.
Sue Baldauf is concerned with the existence of ruts in the road where bicycles ride. Joel has volunteered to write a letter to the selectmen about this problem. Some examples are: Route 62 near Page Road, and Shawsheen Road. He will also mention that if the new trash collector's haven't already been told, could they please place the empty containers off the road.
At the place where the NGRT crosses Pine Hill Road, a person received a parking ticket. There is indeed a sign indicating a fire lane but there is additional space and up to four cars could be parked and still leave a fire land unobstructed if this were properly indicated. Joel will also mention this in his letter mentioned above.
Next scheduled meeting -Oct. 9, Town Center, 7:30pm
Meeting adjourned 9:05pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Minutes approved
Newsletter - Our Committee voted to have a single annual issue of Bikeway and put it out in the spring.
Plans for Bedford Day Sept. 16 - Joel showed us the new banner he had gotten from a company on line, Don will send him a check from our monies to pay for this, as well as the cost of the shelter that Joel purchased earlier. Ray has made arrangements for the delivery by the DPW of the fencing. Ray, Joel Ralph and Bob will get to the site at 8:30am to set up.
Treasurer's Report - Don reported that our account shows a current balance of $970.35. After he sends Joel the check for $239, of course, this will be appropriately less.
3 Apples Festival - Joel and Holly will man the corral on the common. Joel will make sure that the fencing is delivered. We will get there, again, at 8:30am to set up. Ralph will also help to set up.
No new business
Meeting adjourned 9:30pm.
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