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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2007 Aug 08)
Apr. 11, 2007, 7:30pm, Flint Room , Town Center, Bedford, MA
Present: Ralph Hammond, Terry Gleason, Bob Sawyer, Joel Parks, Ray Ruetenik, Don Blake, James Shea, Marcia Bushnell, Jim Nevins, Charlie Webster and Holly Webster
MMB - Extension -
We are awaiting notification of the MHD requirements for the trail surface. Holly said she would contact Rich Warrington to see if indeed VHB is doing the study and when we will know the requirements. Joel explained to Marcia Bushnell about the paving problems. Ray feels that we should prepare a proposal for the Special Town Meeting in September before we actually get the results from the study. Ray, Joel and Terry said they would work on such a proposal. We would prefer to call the new part the Bedford Greenway. Ralph reported on the, which has finished it's study of the future of the greater Boston Area and will report the results at a meeting to take place at 7:30am at the Hyatt Regency in Boston, on May 1. Ralph reported that there will be a 30% growth in the next 15-20 years and the current infrastructure cannot handle this. The key driver is to continue emphasizing the transportation alternatives. Can we get the selectmen excited about this? All the bikeways proposed and existing including the Bruce Freeman and the NRGT are important to this network. Ray wants to reinstigate "commuter" into the name. Joel says we need to convince the middle ground to come to town meeting and vote in favor. We must focus on the multi-use function. All companies along the Minutman use the trail for lunch walks even though they do not live here. We need to have a presentation and Terry is preparing a Power Point. Marcia Bushnell suggested a brochure that could be lift in the library. And she suggested a bumper sticker to raise awareness of BIKE BEDFORD. Joel says we could bet a better one. The Trails Committee is definitely on board, as is the Chamber of Commerce. Susan Grieb, of the Trails Committee said she would help in any way. Terry volunteered to help with the brochure to be left in the library. Several people on the Trails committee including Susan Grieb, Mark Levine, and Mike could be asked to write to the Minuteman in favor of paving. They have started a "Move Around Bedford Trails Club" that would like to incorporate the new Greenway. Jean Hammond might help design the brochure to start lobbying the middle ground. Marcia Bushnell will work with Jean and Ralph. Ralph reported that we have three videos to be shown at the library, but he hasn't yet spoken to them. Terry reported that May 14- May 18 has been unofficially designated as bike to school and work week. Amy Mason might be interested but she is very busy with the Pan Mass Kid's Ride. Holly will email her to see if she in interested in helping in any way. Terry will take a photo of a group riding to the Job Lane School and send it to the Minuteman. It was suggested that someone from the Tree Committee write a letter to the Minuteman saying that there is not a big problem with cutting trees. Even though trees have been growing on their own for twenty-five years, only four need to be removed.
Boardwalk to Washington Street to Middle School -
Roger Corbin is covering the situation and it is progressing nicely.
Police Accident report -
Bob reported by phone, after our meeting, that there had been one accident involving a motor vehicle and a bicycle at the intersection of Page Road and Hemlock Lane at 3:42pm on 3/14. It was his belief that no one was hurt. He also reported that he is now getting ALL the accident reports and doesn't need to contact the Fire Department as well as the Police Department.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Annual Meeting
Directors-at-large: The following were elected unanimously:
Bob Sawyer (2008)
Ralph Hammond (2009)
Joel Parks (2010)
Officers: The following were elected unanimously:
Pres: Ray Ruetenik
V.P.: Joel Parks
Sec: Holly Webster
Trea: Don Blake
Treasurers Report:
Don reported that we have a mailing list of 125, of which 29 are active, 17 are complimentary, and 79 have expired. We currently have a balance of $915. It was unanimously voted to authorize a budget for next year of $400 as per previous years.
Ralph showed a 26 minute video that Holly had been able to obtain from the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy. Terry noticed that the term "trails" was used rather than "path". Some of us felt that this DVD was superior to some of the others we have seen, but Ralph may show them all at the library on different Sunday afternoons.
Terry reported that the Bruce Freeman Trail Study will go forward after being given an allocation by the town of Concord of $100,000.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.
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