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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2007 Aug 08)
July 11, 2007, 7:40pm, Town Hall, Bedford, MA
Present: Terry Gleason, Bob Sawyer, Joel Parks, Don Blake, Charlie Webster, Myles McDonough, and Holly Webster
Review and passage of the last two months of minutes were tabled until next month.
Lexington resurfacing -
We have seen no signs of any work being started.
Police Accident report -
Bob reported that there was an accident involving a bicycle June 25, at 5:15pm near 5 Concord Road where one person was transported to a hospital. Terry reported that there was another accident on the Minuteman Trail where it intersects with Westview Avenue, however, this is actually in Lexington.
Safe Routes to School -
Bob reported that the legal work has been done. How does the town accept this work? By the Selectmen? By Town Meeting? This is actually a Trails Committee item, however, to establish good relations we will keep it on our agenda. We seem to have started the project and handed it over to the Trails Committee. We looked at the map produced by the DPW who were going to post it on the DPW website. Terry will find out if this has been done. The trail is definitely "multiuse".
MMB Extension -
The passage of the next step will probably not come up until the regular town meeting in March of next year. Charlie pointed out that the article on the front page of the Boston Globe on "bike rage" will have died out a bit. Terry and Myles had a lot of discussion about pros and cons of paving the extension. Myles feel we should follow through on what happened to the money that we allocated at the last town meeting. Joel will talk to Rich Warrington about this. We could check with Joanna about when the special town meeting will be. We feel we have not yet had the effort to sway the town in favor and should therefore go along with the proposal of waiting until the next regular town meeting. We could, however, provide a presentation. We need to get the selectmen and professionals behind this project. Myles suggested we get Mary Mady and her trails committee stewardship list. Joel suggested we contact the Conservation Commission, the CPC, the Trails committee and ask what issues need to be addressed to get each committee on board. The CPC meets at the end of July. We should ask for a 15-20 minute slot to tell them where we are but not until Joel has had the discussion with Rich Warrington. Myles feels that Susan Grieb should take a public walk along the extension. Bob will gather up the letters he had collected from the committees about the extension. We will try to put them as a link on our website.
Meeting adjourned 8:45pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Police Bike Safety Clinic June 2 - Tabled until Ray is present.
PMC Ride June 16 - Also tabled.
Flyer -
Terry will work on it. What he had done so far seems very good. When it is finished, we will all get our 10 free copies which will be in color and we can hand out black and white copies at the Bike shop and the public library. Terry will get Ralph, and a number of kids at Davis and in West Bedford who do not have a safe route to school to include in the flyer. Terry wants an exhibit for the library with a history of when it was rails, the current situation, and the future. We hope Ralph will head up this effort. Holly will help. The trails people and Bedford Depot have a great deal of information.
Meeting adjourned 9pm.
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