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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2007 Nov 14)
Oct. 10, 2007, 7:30pm, Town Hall, Bedford, MA
Present: Terry Gleason, Ray Ruetenik, Joel Parks, Ralph Hammond, Brian O'Donnell, Bob Sawyer, Don Blake, Mark Siegenthaler, Charlie Webster, and Holly Webster
Joel introduced Brian O'Donnell, who is a potential member of our committee. There were some questions on the minutes. Joel made some corrections and has posted them, but we should all look at them and make comments for next month, when we will take them up for approval.
Police Accident report -
Bob reported that there was an accident on Aug. 9, 2007 on Old Billerica Road, involving a motor vehicle and a bicycle. No one was reported injured. There were no accidents in September.
Mile Post signs -
Terry had drafted a sign for the intersection of the Bikeway at Wiggins Ave.. He is planning to clear it with the DPW and Adrienne St. John next week.
MMB Extension -
Joel reviewed last months discussion of tree removal to allow emergency vehicles to the Conservation lands. It will be done this winter, making the whole topic of tree removal moot for the discussion of paving. Even Mark has had no confirmation that VHB is doing anything. Mark says we need to get together with the DPW with a plan for the paved extension. He says we need to get a report from VHB that says paving is the only way we can get funding. Mark will find out "When?" from VHB. CPC will expect to find out what the $1500 was spent for and what the answer is. Terry reported that the library display will have Rail and Trail maps and a diorama from Arthur Ellis and will happen this winter. Terry also reported that at the Trails Committee meeting next week he will talk to Susan Grieb to get on their agenda and ask them to respond to the letter of 2005 from the CPC, so that with their answers, our committee will be able to write to the CPC and ask for a response in writing that we have addressed all their concerns and then we can write a letter to the Selectmen. As far as bike networking goes, Joel reminded us that the tri-town meeting will happen Thursday, Nov. 1.
Safe Routes to School -
What is the role of our Committee? Terry says we should support one day in the fall and one day in the spring of escorting groups to school. What is really needed is parent support. Job Lane School has the right age to start this habit, but it really needs to come from parents. As we voted last month to let the Trails Committee have this item we are again asking that it be removed from our agenda.
Rec. Dept Fall Bike Training Program -
Susan Grieb will organize a meeting for those interested in this, but not for this fall. Several of our members will participate.
NGRT washouts -
The trail remains the same, but the Trails Committee has agreed to take over following through. As we have three liaisons to this committee, we are asking that this item no longer be on our agenda.
MCC Cross Bike Race -
The Trails Committee got a new member out of this day. We again ask that this no longer be on our agenda.
Blue Ribbon Plaza -
Although Holly has emailed Mr. Joly twice on this subject, she has had no reply. Mark suggested that she email what she sent to Mr. Joly directly to Chris Laskey.
Snowplowing idea in Arlington –
The BBAC will take no stand on snowplowing in Bedford, but will wait and see how the experiment works out in Arlington.
Next meeting - November 7, 7:30pm, Town Hall
Meeting adjourned 9:10pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Minutes approved
Bedford Day –
19 bikes were parked. Terry reported that we received over 100 signatures in favor of paving the extension. Just prior to the Town Meeting when this will be voted upon, Holly said that she and others from the committee could call those names to urge them to attend Town Meeting. Having the maps out helped. Perhaps another year we could have Bob's antique bike on display.
Three Apples Corral –
Although we parked only 3 bikes, we will do it again.
Greening "module"; Save-the-earth-group meeting –
They are planning a group ride from Cambridge to Concord at the Old North Bridge on Nov 3. Joel will find out where we can meet up with them to join the ride.
Bike to Church Day –
The date is Oct. 21 and Terry has gotten agreement from several churches in Bedford to participate.
Snowplowing –
Terry has agreed to write as a Friend of the Bikeway to to Jeff Roth in support of plowing in Arlington.
Meeting adjourned 9:35pm.
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