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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2008 Apr 09)
Mar. 12, 2008, 7:30pm, Town Hall, Bedford, MA
Present: Terry Gleason, Joel Parks, Bob Sawyer, Brian O’Donnell, Don Blake, Charlie Webster and Holly Webster
Approved February Minutes.
Police Accident report -
Bob reported that there were no bicycle accidents in February. Terry shared with us an article from Jan. 10 about a pedestrian losing his life. Officer Jones said Bedford is trying to make Bedford safer for pedestrians and motorists. Cyclists should be included. This article was given to Bob who said he'd take it up with Officer Jones. Bob asked for the accident summary that was produced years ago. Terry is going to look at how difficult it would be to get it again and put in on line as he has a hard copy.
Mile Post signs –
The job has actually been given to the Trails Committee. However, Joel reported that most were in favor of a metal sign, designating the town, atop the street sign at each intersection. There is no sign at Wiggins Ave.. We will take the request through the Trails Committee to ask Adrian St Johns for such a sign. We also talked about bumper stickers with the Minuteman Logo against a different colored background for each town. All towns were in favor of painting directly onto the pavement at the town lines.
MMB Extension –
Brian reported that the Planning Board is behind us and we should not give up on this issue. Ralph was not here so we have no report on the status of the tree clearing plans.
Blue Ribbon Mall Bike Racks –
Joel will check on this for our next meeting, specifically, do the parking spaces available warrant a single bike rack holding two bikes?
MAPC bike racks -
Brian brought his list. We voted that the library is our first priority. Holly will remind Richard Callahan that we want to move the Charlie Schwerin bike rack from its present location to the H.S. side and place a new MAPC bike rack properly in the current location, as well as a new one near the Mudge Way entrance. Joel will check on the location and effectiveness of the current racks at the Davis School, Brian will check on the Lane School, and we expect Ralph to check on the Middle School. Brian will start filling in the application and find out who needs to sign them and report at our next meeting.
Review Planning Board Paths and Racks locations for the Mall Access redesign -
Brian reported that the redesign was not on the last agenda. It will come on either April 15, or April 29. We prefer 10 (with 4 bike capacity) racks located right near business entrances. We need to talk to Richard Joly ahead of that time. Brian will talk to Mr. Joly. Terry wants to find an individual who rides often to Whole Foods or Marshall's who would prefer a covered bike parking for employees. Bob will ask at Whole Foods how many of their employees are local.
Arlington snow plowing -
Was a big success. Not only bikers but pedestrians and the safe exit folks are for it. We need Lexington to get Lexington to plow. We wonder if it can it be documented that the path was clear, even several days after a storm. Whatever, it will be better than nothing. Each year the handling of this situation will improve.
Access Trails to the redesigned shopping center –
Ralph and Terry are working on a letter of endorsement for these trails to the Planning Board. The Trails Committee is already working on this.
Terry is taking a course in Waltham by MassBike to train instructors re: Safe Routes to School.
Next Meeting for the BBAC is Wednesday April 9, 2008, 7:30pm at the Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Minutes approved
Library Exhibit –
A sign was added downstairs directing folks upstairs. When we do this again we should include a log. Joel read us a communication stating that the MM has been nominated for induction to the Rails to Trails Conservancy Hall of Fame. Joel will see that this story gets published in the Minuteman newspaper, when the weather improves.
Spring Rail Trail Count –
The BFC also wants to do a fall count as well, both a weekday and a weekend. Terry will let us know when the spring day for counting will be. Terry asked that we record folks wearing bike shoes and that suggestion was approved. We’d like to include counts for the NGRT and the Extension. Check the NGRT at Pine Hill Rd. and the Extension at the water pumping station and one by Elm Brook, and the MM at Wiggins Ave.
Bikeway Newsletter archives –
Terry would like to refer to some of the past issues, especially those when the entire town was in favor of the extension. It is not on line at the moment. Joel thinks it is a good idea. Each page would have to be scanned in. Holly will take hard copies to Bob, who will transfer them to Terry for scanning.
Bike to Work Events –
It will be in May 2008. April 22 will be Earth Day. We offered no ideas.
Condition of NGRT –
We need to document how washed out is the NGRT? Chris Lennon is the steward for it.
Meeting adjourned 9:12pm.
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