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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
(approved 2008 Nov 13)
Oct. 8, 7:30pm, Town Hall, Bedford, MA
Present: Terry Gleason, Joel Parks, Brian O'Donnell, Ralph Hammond, and Holly Webster
Minutes from September were approved.
On Oct. 20, interviewing of prospective candidates for the new Transportation Committee will take place at the Selectmen's meeting. Ralph and Brian will be among them.
We reviewed our current status and will make no changes. Holly will ask Ray this week if he would like his spot on the BBAC to be officially filled from the list of possible town volunteers. (After relating that we all miss him very much, and hope for the best for himself and Mary).
Holly will check out the accident report at the Police Station since Sept. 15 when she checked it last. We were told of an accident involving a bicycle on South Road on Sept. 19.
Re: Public bike stands - Brian attended the CPC meeting last Thursday Oct. 2. He reported that the deadline for their funds (perhaps $20,000) is Dec. 31, 2008. Terry will talk to Sue Baldauf. Brian suggested inviting Rich Warrington to the first part of our next meeting Nov. 13. Brian, Terry and Joel will meet this Saturday afternoon to look at and establish the prioritized list of locations. Brian will set up the matrix that will include locations, the controller of the locations, etc, etc.
Re: VHB's presentation – Terry has prepared a list of questions and asked Bill Desantis of VHB who suggested contacting DPW. Holly asked Rich Warrington, who said he would cooperate, but we haven't heard. Apparently, he suggested Cathy Cordes. Terry proposes going ahead with requesting for the WBRT the next stage, the 25% design stage. To whom should we go to first? Terry thinks the Planning Board. Brian will ask Mark what the Selectmen's time table is for acting upon the VHB recommendations. Joel will ask Mark if the BBAC should advise the Selectmen. Joel, as Chair of the BBAC, will write to Mass Highway Commission's Luisa Paiewonsky, to ask for her recommendations on the Bikeway extension (WBRT). Ralph will try to find out if there is a written document to go with the photos presented by the VHB, at the Selectmen's meeting Sept. 15.
Terry will talk to Sud Baldauf about why the Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway were omitted from the list of those receiving info about the walk/ride to school day.
Because Nov. 12 is Bedford "Unplugged" day and no meetings will be allowed that day,
Next Meeting: Thursday Nov 13, 2008, 7:30pm at the Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned 9:10pm
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Minutes approved
Meeting adjourned --
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