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Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
Nov 13, 2008, 7:30pm, Town Hall, Bedford, MA
Present: Terry Gleason, Brian O'Donnell, Joel Parks, Ralph Hammond, Mark Siegenthaller, Don Blake, Holly Webster and Charlie Webster
The minutes from Oct. 8 were approved.
Bike Parking Stand Subcommittee – Brian, Joel and Terry met and developed list. Brian talked to Richard Jones of the Facilities Department. So far there has been no resistance. There may be issues with the Historic District Commission. Brian hopes that by our December meeting we will have complete approval. Terry spoke to Sue Baldauf as he wants to put 3 U stands in front of the DPW building. The subcommittee will continue to get sign-offs. Terry will speak to Rich Warrington. Brian will speak to Rick Reed and Richard Jones. Ralph will talk to someone at the VA Hospital about bike parking. Brian called a subcommittee meeting Sat. Nov. 29.
Transportation Committee – The first meeting will hopefully be this year. Possible dates include Nov. 18, Nov, 25, or Dec. 2. New members have been sworn in. They need an overall mission and charge. Brian and Ralph have spots on the committee.
Protocol for questioning VHB – Mark will try to get a report from VHB.
Moving Together Conference – Terry attended Oct. 14, and has attended several times. He says we should send a representative every year.
Slots on the BBAC – Ray is willing to resign and should send a letter of resignation to Rick Reek with a copy to Doreen Tremblay
Accident report – Holly brought the Town-supplied reports showing there was one accident involving a bicycle in August and one in September. The town report says very little specifically about each accident. Our un-realized goal with trying to track bicycling accidents in Bedford is to analyze causes and resolve issues that may contribute to future injuries. Without more information about the incidents this is impossible. Mark will look into this and try to obtain a better report for October.
Lexington Minuteman Snow Removal status – Joel did not attend Lex. Selectmen meeting Monday night but heard that Lexington's Selectmen did not make a decision yet. Bedford's decision will wait until we have heard about Lexington's decision. If Lexington does it, will the gate from the town line to Wiggins Ave. be opened? Rich Warrington is concerned about opening the gate. Joel asked Mark if the Selectmen should discuss it a year ahead. Mark says don't say anything unless the Lexington DPW passes it. Terry suggests that the simplest solution once all three towns have agreed to plow, will be to hire the same contractor for all three towns and let them just rip on through from one end to the other. Joel thinks BBAC should provide Bedford Selectmen with a summary paper on the current status of plowing the Minuteman plus our recommendation.
Bedford Striping – Route 62 (and Routes 4 & 225) repainting is a good item for the newly created Transportation Committee. On the repaved section of 62 near Sherwood, the preliminary guide lines for the fog lines looked positioned well but when the actual painting was done it did not correspond to the guide lines in critical places.
West Bedford Trail - Maintenance (brush hog etc.) hasn't been done in years. Ralph spoke with the contractor operating the equipment who said his machine couldn't fit down the trail, although Rich W. implied it had been getting done regularly. Mark will remind the Selectmen of this problem.
Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway
Treasurer's Report – We currently have $764.51. Don will pay our share of the Rails-to-Trails celebration of $175 + $73 to the Town of Arlington, Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee, Planning Dept., 730 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA, 02476.
Bruce Freeman Trail - Terry reported on Acton's 25% Design Phase Presentation of Oct. 29.
Don gave Terry a report of our membership list and will give Terry an e-copy with all the names. Joel will help setting up the website. Some of us in the Friends would be willing to make some phone calls. We need to add e-mail addresses to the big list.
Terry wants to make a bike video. Joel has lots of ideas about making a video.
Next meeting Dec. 10, 7:30, Town Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
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