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Bedford Friends of the Minuteman Bikeway

Minutes of Special Meeting

January 4, 2004

Present: Bob Evans, Joel Parks, Ray Ruetenik, Bob Sawyer, Charlie Schwerin, Charlie Webster, Holly Webster

1. Ray presented a letter to be sent to Mr. Gerald Drucker. We whacked at it and Ray will email the revised version for committee approval.

2. Ray presented a proposed Article for 2004 Bedford Annual Town Meeting, adding a section to the Article 25 of the General Bylaws (art. 25 establishes the Bicycle Advisory Committee) requiring that the BAC be informed or consulted concerning infrastructure changes. It was suggested to change "bikeways, trails, and roads" to "roads, sidewalks, bikeways, and trails" and to change "pleasure" to "recreation".

3. Crosby Dr. intersection

a. Joel will begin to connect to make connections with people working at Mitre with the goal of having Mitre create the sidewalk on their land under their own power.

David Aldorisio, 3 Sibley Dr. 275-9843

Lynne Webster

b. Bob Sawyer will contact John S. Allen ( to see if he might be able to help us with an expert opinion about the intersection.

4. We discussed expanding the charter of the BFoMB to include pedestrian concerns, as suggested by Bob Sawyer in 2003. We generally agreed that the idea was good. We should have a paragraph about our intentions in the newsletter. Ray will bring the Charter of the BFoMB to the next regular meeting (2004 Jan 14) as well as any info he has on how to change the charter if needed as well as invite Don Blake.

Joel Parks

2004 Jan 04